So I've just come back from a very enlightening interview with the main voice on my Recycling feature, Angie Thompson. She heads up the Masihluhle recycling project at the rubbish dump in Grahamstown, and together with a staff of 19 (at present) they do some serious work that is out of the way, and what your average resident forgets about as soon as they put their waste in the bin.
What I have seen today is that the 2 bag system, that has been recently put in place in Grahamstown, is actually working. What this does is it encourages residents to divide their waste into recyclables, and other waste by putting 'normal' waste in black bags, and recyclable waste in clear or orange bags. What it does essentially and practically is helps those who are employed up at the dump to sort through our waste.
Masihluhlue employs a staff to sort through this waste and there is space for much more employment so that mroe waste can be sorted and more waste can be recycled. According to Angie, most of the rubbish that we throw away is recyclable stuff, and people are getting involved slowly but surely.
She really spoke well and passionately and I hope to do this establishment justice so that more Grahamstonians can see that the recycling project is a success in the making.
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